Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Special Lecture by Dr. Henk van den Belt – May 7 (3:30 – 4:30pm)

Word and Spirit in the Reformation and Today: Reflections on Authority and Hermeneutics

Dr. Henk van den Belt

Where: Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
When: Monday May 7, 2018 at 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Live stream available.

Dr. Henk van den Belt is Professor of Reformed Theology: Sources Development, and Context at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

His research serves to deepen the knowledge of the theology of the Reformed Reformation, as it a) roots in from the Scriptures, the works of the Fathers and medieval theologians, b) developed in its relation to other traditions in Western Christianity, c) was related to the context of the (early) modern culture and d) affected the later Reformed theology. The study of the history of Reformed theology contributes to contemporary Reformed theology by offering insight into its roots, its characteristics and its development, including the intrinsic tensions and specific opportunities of the Reformed position.

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