Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

PRESS RELEASE: PRTS expands with ThM program in London, UK

CONTACT: Mr. Justin Rainey at jrainey@wts.edu (for WTS); Dr. Garry Williams at pastorsacademy@londonseminary.org (for PA); Dr. Adriaan C. Neele at adriaan.neele@prts.edu (for PRTS)

For immediate release: July 2, 2018

Grand Rapids, MI / Glenside, PA / London, UK—Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”), Westminster Theological Seminary (“WTS”) and the Pastors’ Academy at London Seminary (“PA”) today announced the expansion of the Master’s (ThM) Program in London, UK.

The renowned ThM program of WTS in London will transition from WTS to PRTS, under the auspices of which it will be expanded to offer three tracks of study: Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology, and Historical Theology.

Peter Lillback, President of WTS, comments, “We are pleased that the ThM program in London will be continuing and expanding under the leadership of PRTS—a trusted partner of Gospel ministry training.”

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS, says, “We trust that, by God’s grace, this newly established program, in addition to our PhD program in London, will stress both solid Reformed academic training and vital piety, and will serve to strengthen the church and the academy in unprecedented ways.”

The program will be served by faculty of PRTS, WTS, and partners such as Greystone Theological Institute. Garry Williams, Director of Pastors’ Academy in London, writes, “The ThM program will bring the deep, theological resources of PRTS within reach of students in the UK, especially pastors seeking to enrich their preaching and teaching ministries. The program will immediately open up the range of theological disciplines that we can offer in London, including Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology, and Historical Theology. We are grateful to God for providing PRTS as a generous and zealous partner for furthering the cause of theological training in the UK and beyond.”

About Pastors’ Academy
London Seminary was founded in 1977 and the work of the Pastors’ Academy began in 1999. The Academy seeks to serve the health of the church and the glory of Christ by providing ongoing theological training and pastoral support to pastors after their initial seminary training.

About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Founded in 1995, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is an accredited educational institution for granting the MA, MDiv, ThM, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry. The seminary has approximately 160 students, ten professors, twenty well-known scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of twelve.

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