Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

PRTS Presented with Gift of Ancient Handwritten Torah Scroll

Over the last two memorable days Dr. Michael Barrett, Dr. Gerald Bilkes, and Dr. Joel Beeke were in Minneapolis to receive a most unique gift for Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary–a beautiful, handwritten synagogue Torah scroll from the middle of the 1800s, most likely written by Jews in Germany, who “smuggled” it over to Israel after the holocaust.

The Torah scroll, which is 120 feet long and contains all of the first five books of the Bible, comes to us as a generous gift from Ken and Barbara Larson (second and third from left in picture) through the organization, God’s Ancient Library. We were greatly edified for a good part of two days with Dr. Scott Carroll instructing us about how the scrolls were faithfully and meticulously copied. We are very excited about this amazing treasure and look forward to seeing all the marvelous ways in which the PRTS faculty, students, and family will benefit from this wonderful gift. We hope to invite the church community to PRTS for an official dedication of this scroll in the near future.

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