Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Congratulations to Guochao “Jason” Zhao

The PRTS seminary community rejoices with Guochao “Jason” Zhao on the completion of his comprehensive exams in doctoral studies in Historical Theology.

The doctoral comprehensive examination committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Willem van Vlastuin (Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Dr. Jan van de Kamp (Theological University Apeldoorn | Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Dr. Stephen Myers, and Dr. Greg Salazar.

Guochao’s research focuses on the historical development of Reformed Ethics in the early modern era, with particular reference to the ethics of Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711). Prior to enrolling at PRTS, Guochao completed his ThM at International Reformed Evangelical Seminary of Jakarta, Indonesia with a concentration in historical-systematic theology. He served two years as a teacher and preacher in Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia before coming to PRTS.

Pictured above from left to right are Dr. David Kranendonk, Dr. Greg Salazar, Dr. Stephen Myers, Guochao “Jason” Zhao, and Dr. Adriaan Neele.


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