BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210415T150000 DTEND:20210415T173000 DTSTAMP:20240716T074601 UID:669625392097c DESCRIPTION: The Geerhardus Vos Center for Reformed Biblical Theology and Interpretation at PRTS invites researchers\, doctoral students\, and others interested in biblical theology and hermeneutics to its first seminar from 3:00pm EST to 5:30pm EST on April 15\, 2021. Our speaker will be Dr. Richard Schultz\, Blanchard Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College Graduate School. Dr. Schultz’s presentation will explore various dimensions of unity and diversity in the Book of Isaiah\, with special attention to its canonical and redemptive-historical settings. The seminar will be followed by a period of discussion during which participants can pose or submit questions. For those unable to be present on-campus in Grand Rapids\, the seminar will be live-streamed. There is no cost to participate\, however\, tickets are limited. NOTE: The seminar will be held in the chapel on PRTS's campus. Due to COVID restrictions\, social distancing practices will be observed and facemasks will be required of all in-person attendees. SUMMARY:Geerhardus Vos Center for Reformed Biblical Theology and Interpretation — Spring 2021 Seminar LOCATION:Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary 2965 Leonard St NE Grand Rapids\, MI. 49525 616-977-0599 Registered attendees who are unable to be present on-campus will be provided with an online streaming link. URL;VALUE=URI: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR