BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200124T190000 DTEND:20200124T201500 DTSTAMP:20240716T075040 UID:66962650e4292 DESCRIPTION:Join us for the dedication and presentation of the PRTS Torah Scroll along with a tour of the William Perkins Library at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. PROGRAM: 6:00 PM — Refreshments 7:00 PM — Welcome and introduction of the speaker\, Dr. Joel Beeke 7:05 PM — "Passing on the Legacy — The Torah\, the Larsons\, and Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary" — Dr. Scott Carroll 7:40 PM — Relocate to the William Perkins Library where Dr. Carroll will lead a 20-minute discussion of the PRTS Torah Scroll 8:10 PM — Closing Song and Prayer\, Dr. Michael Barrett 8:15 PM — Tour of the William Perkins Library and Puritan Research Center\, Dr. Joel Beeke SUMMARY:Torah Scroll Dedication & Presentation — "Passing on the Legacy — The Torah\, the Larsons\, and Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary" LOCATION:Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary 2965 Leonard Street NE Grand Rapids\, MI 49425 URL;VALUE=URI: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR