CONTACT: Chris Hanna, Director of Development & Marketing
For immediate release: May 1, 2021
Grand Rapids – Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) announced today that a grant by Lilly Endowment Inc. for ministry development has been awarded to the institution.
The Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative grant of $50,000 will support PRTS’s Competency Embedded Ministry Education Model (CEMEM), which will enable the seminary to work closely with pastors, provide a relevant education and support structure to students, and enable churches to continue to operate, especially those in rural and/or inner-city areas, while their ministers are receiving specialized education and support.
Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS comments, “We trust that by God’s grace, this significant grant will serve the church and the academy in unprecedented ways, strengthening the Reformed community. We greatly appreciate Lilly Endowment for supporting our vision.”
Lilly Endowment’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative focuses on:
- Exploring emerging challenges and opportunities facing their institutions as well as the Christian congregations that they serve
- Gaining clarity about their mission in light of these challenges and opportunities and in relationship to the leadership needs of their constituent churches
- Assessing the effectiveness of their educational strategies and financial operations for preparing and supporting pastors and congregational lay ministers
- Designing and implementing plans to launch new and/or strengthen current projects to address their key challenges and opportunities and to make their institutions more educationally effective and financially viable for the continued preparation and support of pastors and congregational lay ministers into the future
Started in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, and Ph.D. degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry. The seminary numbers 200 students, has ten professors, twenty globally renowned scholars serve as adjunct faculty, and has a support staff of fourteen.