Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Two faculty position openings

Two Faculty Openings

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is seeking to fill two positions in the faculty to help address various openings that generally fall within Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, and/or Practical Theology. Understanding that two appointments will not necessarily fill all of our needs, applications are encouraged from those who have expertise and teaching experience in one or more of the following areas: Apologetics, Christian Ethics, Contemporary Theology, Christian Philosophy, Biblical Studies (OT and NT), Missions, and Counseling. Fulfillment of position(s) is desired for fall of 2021 or possibly staggered (i.e., one for fall of 2021, and the other for fall of 2022).

Applicants must hold a PhD degree, have outstanding academic qualifications and experience along with ministerial experience, and demonstrate a Christ-like character and testimony. In addition, applicants must adhere to the Three Forms of Unity and Westminster Standards as their confession and must be thoroughly committed to Reformed, experiential theology and ministry.

Applications along with a current CV may be submitted no later than November 25 to:

Michael Barrett, PhD
VP for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
2965 Leonard Street, NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525