Research Centers

Puritan Research Center
The Puritan Research Center (PRC) supports and encourages thoughtful discussions that deal with all facets of Puritan and related studies. It contains one of the best collections of Puritan writings in the world. Affiliated centers are located in South Korea at Hapdong Theological Seminary in South Korea, and at the Theological University of Apeldoorn in The Netherlands.
Dr. Adriaan C. Neele (USA)
Dr. Jan van de Kamp (Europe)
Dr. Sang-Hyuck Ahn (Asia)

Jonathan Edwards Center
The Jonathan Edwards Center supports and encourages thoughtful discussions that deal with all facets of Edwards’s fascinating body of work from a variety of perspectives, including historic trajectories, early modern context, his life and thought, and global legacy. The center focuses on the research, editing, and publication of the sermons of Jonathan Edwards.
Dr. Allen Stanton
Dr. Adriaan C. Neele

Geerhardus Vos Center for Reformed Biblical Theology and Interpretation
The Geerhardus Vos Center for Reformed Biblical Theology and Interpretation is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of research that advances the interrelationship of exegetical, biblical, and systematic theology in the context of broadly Reformed epistemology. Vos’s interest in the rich diversity of the form and content of special revelation finds an echo in the Center’s various research interests, which are typically explored over a period of three years.
Browse talks hosted in association with the Center here.
Dr. Daniel Timmer