Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Program

Don’t miss your opportunity to apply for the PRTS Doctor of Ministry program starting this August!

This is a four-year program (maximum 6 years) designed for those who desire to advance their ministry skills, particularly in preaching and homiletics.

The specific focus of the PRTS Doctor of Ministry program is biblical, Reformed, experiential and practical preaching. Courses in the DMin homiletics program will be taught by Dr. Joel Beeke, Dr. Gerald Bilkes, and Dr. Adriaan Neele.

The upcoming August course offering is Introduction to Homiletical Studies. This course is an introduction to homiletical studies, including the history of homiletics, and will be primarily based on primary source readings, secondary literature overview, developments in homiletics, and research method. The classical Roman and Greek rhetoric and oratory will be studied, as well as transitional moments from Augustine to the mid-1800s. In addition, attention will be given to the trajectories of homiletics in the Reformed tradition including the Dutch experiential tradition of preaching and Dutch handbooks of homiletics from the 17th to 20th century. These primary sources will be set in historical context, and trajectories of continuity and discontinuity will be discussed. Attention will be given to the classical structure of the sermon, as well as a discussion on the intersection of preacher, audience, psychology, affections, and communication.

For a little less than $325.00 USD per month over four years you can earn a fully accredited Doctor of Ministry degree grounded in biblical, Reformed, experiential and practical preaching from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

This degree program is designed to equip you to become a more effective communicator, both in your pulpit and writing ministries. Multiple church-matching scholarships are available up to a maximum of $1950.00 per year. This Church-Matching Scholarship is awarded to a DMin student whose church agrees to financially support their studies.


2020 ETS Scholarship Recipient – Ian Turner

Every year the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) awards student scholarships. This year one of our PhD students, Ian Turner, was the recipient of one of them. Watch this video to learn more.

For more information about the ETS Student Scholarship program, visit the ETS Website:

For more information about PRTS Finanicial Aid and Scholarship opportunities, visit us online at