Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Flee Youthful Lusts

In this short video, Dr. Joel Beeke explains that repentance can be compared to a soldier marching in one direction and then doing an abrupt about-face and marching in the opposite direction.
“Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Tim. 2:22).

The Works of William Perkins — Volume 10

RHB is pleased to announce that the tenth and final volume of the “Works of William Perkins” is now available for preorder. With the arrival of volume ten, it concludes the journey that they began in 2014, of this paramount theologian. RHB are indebted to the many individuals that put in many hours to make this dream a reality

There has been a resurgence of interest in the Puritans, but until recently, William Perkins went largely ignored. This would be along the lines of studying the Reformation without having access to Calvin’s “Institutes.” By God’s grace, William Perkins’s works will once again be available in their entirety.

We invite you to pick up these volumes and find out for yourself why Perkins shaped a movement and went on to become the “Father of Puritanism.”

You can purchase Vol. 10 here: You can purchase the complete set here:

Tolle Lege!

Ligonier Daily Video — The Testimony of the Holy Spirit

Having discussed God’s promises and personal evidences of grace as sources of our assurance, Dr. Joel Beeke now examines the third foundation for assurance: the testimony of the Holy Spirit. In this lesson, we will learn how the Spirit can apply God’s Word directly to the soul, resulting in great assurance. We will also learn how to test whether this experience is truly from God.

Watch the video here:

Ligonier Daily Video — Personal Evidences

God’s promises, inward evidences in the Christian’s life, and the work of the Holy Spirit are the three sources of assurance outlined in Westminster Confession of Faith 18.2. Previously, Dr. Beeke examined the first—God’s promises. In this lesson, he looks at the second—evidences of grace in us—and the Puritan beliefs about the necessity of these subjective evidence as marks of faith in God’s objective promises.

Watch the video here:

Ligonier Daily Video — Divine Promises

According to The Westminster Confession of Faith 18.2, our assurance comes from three foundational truths: God’s promises, inward evidences in the Christian’s life, and the work of the Holy Spirit. In this lesson, Dr. Joel Beeke examines the divine promises of God and how they provide the Christian with assurance. Watch the video here:

Ligonier Daily Video — Church History

In order to study more fully into the doctrine assurance of faith, we must consider the profound and biblically nuanced way the Puritans dealt with the topic of assurance. In this lesson, Dr. Joel Beeke examines Westminster Confession of Faith 18.1, which many people consider the greatest statement ever written on the subject of assurance. Through this section of the confession and the history behind it, we will further examine the subjects of false assurance and true assurance: