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Ministry Women's Fellowship (MWF)

" …that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children "

Titus 2:4

Purpose of the MWF

The PRTS Ministry Women’s Fellowship (MWF) is made up of the wives of the faculty who seek to serve the wives of the PRTS students, as well as female students, by “encouraging and equipping Christian ministry women to be godly women of strength, honor, wisdom, and love.”

PRTS exists to train men to preach and teach in Christ’s church and, in light of this, each man’s wife fills an important role of support and love. We believe that her most important relationship in life is with Jesus Christ, then with her husband and children, then with her church community, and then with the community at large. Although there are seasons in life where a wife has limited time and needs to prioritize, her season of seminary life is an ideal time to prepare for ministry life at her husband’s side.

Female students are also part of MWF. As they prepare to serve the church in a non-preaching role, we will prayerfully nurture them in their relationship with Jesus Christ, as the foundation for developing their gifts.

MWF is designed to equip the future pastor’s wife and church worker for her calling by offering biblically based and practical courses. Seminary faculty, faculty wives, and guest speakers teach these classes from a confessional Reformed perspective, mirroring PRTS’s doctrinal stance. We give special focus to nurturing fellowship between seminary women. Together, these aspects of MWF encourage women to deepen their piety and devotion to the Lord and cultivate a servant heart and mindset.

With God’s blessing, we aim to make the years at seminary an enjoyable and profitable time, as students, spouses, and faculty alike learn from each other.

The Ministry Women's Fellowship is designed to equip the pastor’s wife for her calling by offering biblical and practical courses.

Current Schedule of Meetings

MWF Spring 2025 Schedule of Meetings:

  • January 28: “Parenting Special Needs Kids” (Panel) — Panelists: Amy Glover, Eun Kim, Kara Dedert, Karen TenElshof; Moderator: Donna Kelderman
  • February 4: “Biblical Friendships” — Kornelia Neele
  • February 25: “The Tongue and Conflict Resolution” — Kevin and Laura Ash
  • March 11: “Local Ministry — Grace’s Table” — Lisa Anderson
  • March 25: “Biblical Financial Stewardship” — Doran Stone
  • April 15: “Fruit of the Spirit” — Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven
  • April 22: Social — Michelle Bilkes’s house
  • April 29: Back-up date

Welcome from MWF

Wel­come to Grand Rapids! We are thank­ful that the Lord has made it pos­si­ble for you to be part of the PRTS com­mu­nity for a time, and we look for­ward to get­ting to know you.

PRTS is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing stu­dents with the advice and sup­port that they might need through­out their time here. But there are lots of times, espe­cially if you are mar­ried to a stu­dent, when you might need answers to ques­tions after office hours, or there may be ques­tions that you feel silly ask­ing the sem­i­nary staff.

This hand­book tries to answer those ques­tions. The hand­book for enrolled sem­i­nary stu­dents answers ques­tions about aca­d­e­mic poli­cies and pro­ce­dures; this hand­book is more con­cerned with help­ing you get gro­ceries, find a play­ground for your chil­dren, or mail a card to your mother. In com­pil­ing this hand­book, we have tried to con­struct a lit­tle Grand Rapids sur­vival guide. It is our hope that hav­ing this tool in your home will make your adjust­ment to sem­i­nary life a lit­tle eas­ier, a lit­tle more enjoy­able, and a lit­tle less confusing.

If you have any com­ments or sug­ges­tions for future edi­tions of this hand­book, please reach out to us. Please feel free to ask any ques­tion not answered in this handbook.

In Christ,
The Min­istry Women’s Fellowship Team

Further Resources

A driver’s license and a Social Secu­rity num­ber are two ben­e­fits for which non-­im­mi­grant stu­dents and exchange vis­i­tors may need to apply. SEVP has released a webi­nar and a DMV fact sheet to make the appli­ca­tion process eas­ier to understand.

The MWF recommend reading list is available here.

Reach out to us with any questions about the MWF.