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Dr. Tom Schwanda appointed as Scholar-in-Residence at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) today announced the appointment of Dr. Tom Schwanda as Scholar-in-Residence.

Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed, comments, “I am pleased and honored to announce that Dr. Schwanda, professor emeritus of Wheaton College Graduate School, has accepted the appointment of Scholar-in-Residence. Dr. Schwanda’s research and writing has been largely focused on Puritanism and Puritan piety and spirituality. The newly established scholar-in-residence program enhances the engagement with the doctoral student community, research, and publication and will be greatly valued at Puritan Reformed. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment of Dr. Schwanda solidifies the position of Puritan Reformed for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.” Dr. Schwanda serves on the editorial board for the Studies in Puritanism and Piety journal, and Senior Fellow for Christian Spirituality for the C.S. Lewis Institute, an international discipleship ministry centered in Washington DC.

Begun in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.  With campuses in Grand Rapids, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Sao Paulo), the seminary numbers more than 250 students, has twelve professors, twenty globally renowned scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of twelve.