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About the William Perkins Library

The William Perkins Library at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is a growing library that focuses on historic reformed doctrine, but endeavors to represent the varied views of the wider Christian church. The centerpiece is the Puritan Research Center, a special collection of primary and secondary source materials on the English, Dutch, and American Puritans and Scottish theologians of the 16-18th centuries.

The Puritan Research Center

The Puritan Research Center supports research of the Reformation and Post-reformation eras through its extensive collection of primary and secondary sources specializing in Dutch Nadere Reformatie, English Puritan, and American Puritan studies. International research cooperation, as well as in-house research projects, position the Puritan Research Center as a leading research center in Puritan and (Post) Reformation studies. Secure online access offers PRTS students, and scholars around the world a gateway to the digital primary and secondary resources of the Puritan Research Center.

Puritan Research Center

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