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Breno Macedo

Doctoral Student in Historical Theology

After concluding his electronic engineering degree, Breno Macedo felt a strong desire to help the church by embracing pastoral ministry. He pursued his Master of Divinity degree at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in South Carolina and there acquired the crucial foundations for the pastoral task of teaching, preaching, and counseling. The pulpit become more than a merely ministerial duty: it became passion.

During this time, Breno also developed a strong appreciation for historical theology and the doctrine of God’s covenants. This fascination led him to pursue further studies and at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary he investigated the development of covenant theology focusing in the works of forgotten first principal of the University of Edinburg Robert Rollock. Now in his doctoral program at PRTS he focuses on the devolvement of preaching during the reformation and post-reformation era, giving attention to early modern England.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

2 Timothy 2:15


  1. Bachelor of Engineering
  2. Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in South Carolina (MDiv)
  3. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (ThM)
  4. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PhD - in progress)


Subject Area and Specialization
  • Reformation and post-Reformation history
  • Covenant Theology
  • Development of preaching
  • Homiletics
Research Interest
  • Puritan theology and preaching
  • Old Princeton theology and preaching
  • Southern Presbyterianism
  • Confessional subscription
  • Theology of Worship