REMINDER: Fall 2021 Colloquia: “Role of Predestination in the Pastoral Ministry of William Perkins’s successor, Paul Baynes”

The Puritan Research Center at PRTS supports and encourages thoughtful discussions that deal with facets of Puritanism and Continental (Post) Reformation thought, including historic trajectories and early modern context, from a variety of perspectives. Doctoral students, faculty, and other researchers will present their findings of original research in a colloquium.
Topic: “Role of Predestination in the Pastoral Ministry of William Perkins’s successor, Paul Baynes”
Date: Thursday, November 11 from 3:00 p.m – 4:30 p.m. ET
Speaker: Dr. David H. Kranendonk, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Location: PRTS Chapel or Live-stream.
Register here:
As a successor of William Perkins, author of an extensive commentary on Ephesians 1, and defender of the supralapsarian view of predestination, Paul Baynes evidences strong convictions on the doctrine of predestination. As an author of many sermons and pastoral letters, as well as of devotional guides and catechetical works, he evidences strong concern for pastoral ministry. This discussion explores the intersection of the orthodox Reformed teaching of predestination and puritan pastoral ministry as it is embodied in Paul Baynes’s ministry.
The event will be followed by period of discussion during which participants can pose questions.
NOTE: There is no cost to participate but registration is required. Tickets are limited. For those unable to attend on-campus in Grand Rapids, the seminar will be live-streamed via Zoom.