Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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PhD in Homiletics

PhD in Homiletics

Program Vision & Mission

The PhD in Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is presently the only PhD in homiletics in North America in a confessional Reformed seminary. The emphasis on a Word-based, confessional, and experiential Christianity at Puritan makes it a prime center for advanced study in homiletics. The aim of the degree is to equip graduates with the skills to train a next generation of preachers from around in world in faithful, Christ-centered, and experiential preaching.

This program provides an interdisciplinary, integrative foundation for research, teaching, and practice in homiletics focused on (1) the preparation for preaching and (2) the delivery of the sermon. These two foci also encompass the areas of:

  • History and Theology of Homiletics
  • Cultural Apologetics
  • Rhetoric and Communication
  • Experiential Preaching
  • Spiritual Formation
  • The Practice of Homiletics


In preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry, the doctoral program of PRTS prepares students to serve in the academy and church through:

  • Piety, Preaching, and Publications: Throughout the program students are challenged to grow in their spirituality, and seek a healthy balance between academics and spiritual life; students called to a preaching ministry participate in a homiletics practicum to foster biblical and experiential preaching; and students are encouraged to engage in writing ministry during and upon completion of their studies. This writing ministry unfolds in three ways: publications in scholarly peer-reviewed journals, publications for the edification of the church, and publications designed to instruct the unsaved in a skeptical world. Moreover, the writing of a doctoral thesis keeps in mind a potential monograph for publication.
  • Research and Reformed: Students demonstrate an advanced competency in theology—in particular Reformed theology—and mastery of relevant primary and secondary sources in either Historical Theology or Biblical Studies. Students must demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of Reformed intellectual trajectories and traditions.
  • Technology and Teaching: Students demonstrate an advanced level use of digital sources, deployment of writing tools, and a God-honoring use of technology, internet, and social media for the dissemination of biblical, experiential, and practical thoughts. Students called to a teaching ministry participate in a teaching practicum.
  • Scholarship (academics) and Scholarships (financial): Students are able to engage in international scholarly discourse that demonstrates independent inquiry, primary source research, critical reflection, analysis, and articulation of academic research. Since the Ph.D. program is fully funded, students pay no tuition fees other than those associated with their two required external courses.

Admissions Requirements

A second graduate degree in theology, such as an accredited ThM, MTh, or STM, is preferred for admission to the program. Exceptionally gifted students may be accepted into the program having an accredited MDiv, or first graduate degree in theology, such as an MA or MTS. Comparable degrees from institutions within or outside North America may be accepted provided schools can demonstrate that they meet the standards of the ATS Board-approved degrees for admission. Students with a first graduate degree in theology may also apply for the ThM (Master of Theology) program, and then apply for the PhD program after successful completion of three (3) ThM-level courses with a minimum GPA of 3.50.

To be eligible for admission to the doctoral program, the applicant must:

  • be called to the ministry of teaching and/or preaching.
  • demonstrate high potential for local and regional influence through future ministry of teaching and preaching after completion of studies.
  • preferably possess a second master’s degree in theology from an accredited institute of higher learning, or in exceptional cases, a first master’s degree in theology from an accredited institute of higher learning.
  • have a minimum of six (6) credits of Hebrew, and a minimum of six (6) credits of Greek. An entrance proficiency test for Greek and Hebrew language is part of the admission process for doctoral students in the Biblical Studies emphasis, and includes a translation of a minimum of 500 words in two (2) hours with a minimum of eighty (80) percent accuracy. This requirement is only for the Biblical Studies PhD program. For additional language requirements during the PhD program, please see the doctoral handbook.
  • have teaching and / or preaching experience.
  • adhere to the Three Forms of Unity and/or Westminster Standards (apart from a position on paedo- or credobaptism).
  • demonstrate biblical piety and character.

It is recommended that applications for admission to the doctoral program be submitted no later than April 30 (for a fall-semester start) or October 30 (for a spring-semester start). The applicant will be informed about the decision of the Admissions Committee by the Director of Admissions shortly after a decision has been made. The Admissions Committee meets on a rolling basis approximately every two months. Applications are considered at the next available meeting only when all application components have been received.

The applicant must:

  • have had an interview with the President, Program Director, or Director of Admissions.
  • submit official and certified transcripts of all post-secondary education (demonstrating the possession of an undergraduate degree and at least a first master’s degree in theology).
  • have an academic record with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher (or its equivalent).
  • submit a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score of 158 or higher in the Verbal and Quantitative sections, and 5.0 or higher in the Analytical Writing component.
  • submit a recent CV (curriculum vitae).
  • submit a copy of a completed master’s degree thesis or major research paper.
  • submit a three-page preliminary dissertation proposal.
  • submit two academic references and one ecclesiastical reference.

Residency Requirement

Students are required to be in residence for one-half of the coursework; other required coursework, research, and dissertation writing may be completed off campus. Thus, given that the PhD concentrations each require twelve (12) courses, at least six (6) courses must be taken on campus.

This does not mean, however, that the accepted PhD student must relocate to Grand Rapids for these six (6) classes; rather, the majority of the PhD courses will be offered in modular or intensive (i.e., week-long) format, thus allowing the accepted student to travel back and forth to Grand Rapids, and still fulfill the residency requirement.

Because PRTS endeavors to create a community of learners within the doctoral program, each doctoral student is required to be on campus during the month of August at least once per year for the first three years of the student’s program, or until the student has completed the comprehensive examination. Apart from the modular courses that will occur during the month of August, special PhD seminars and dinners may be arranged. Furthermore, the PhD student is encouraged to attend the annual PRTS conference; this conference is always held near the end of August.

Required Coursework and Credits

PhD students in the Homiletics concentration must take the following courses:

  • CH900 Research Methodology – 3 credits
  • HOM901 Introduction to Homiletical Studies: Historical and Theoretical Survey and Synthesis – 3 credits
  • HOM903 – Experiential Preaching: Historical Considerations – 3 credits
  • HOM958 Rhetoric and Homiletics – 3 credits
  • HOM991 Dissertation Proposal – 3 credits
  • HOM992 Preaching Practicum (Preaching labs; Preaching in a Digital Age) – 3 credits

Students must take an additional six courses for credit, of which at least three must be in Homiletics (designated by the prefix HOM), one from another doctoral concentration (Biblical Studies, Historical Theology, or Systematic Theology), and two related to the student’s research focus from an approved external institution of higher education (at the PhD level). In some cases, students may, with the approval of their advisor, enroll in HOM999 Directed Research, with the course content and syllabus being established in consultation with the advisor.

Dissertation Requirements

The following guidelines pertain to the PhD dissertation:

  • Students must have an approved dissertation proposal.
  • Students must offer in the dissertation an original research contribution that serves the academy and the church.
  • Students will be assigned a supervisor and co-advisor; the student may recommend an external co-advisor to the supervisor and doctoral program committee. The recommendation may or may not be followed by the supervisor and doctoral program committee.
  • The length of a dissertation is customarily between 80,000 and 100,000 words. This word limit includes footnotes, but excludes appendices and reference list / bibliography.
  • It is strongly recommended that the dissertation be edited by a professional editor.
  • A completed dissertation shall be submitted in electronic format (both Word and PDF), as well as two bound print copies. The electronic and hard copies must be submitted to the registrar for distribution to the supervisor, co-advisor, and examiners.
  • Upon acceptance of the dissertation by a three-fourths majority of the supervisor, co-advisor, and examiners, a public defense will be scheduled.

A final edited copy of the dissertation that incorporates suggestions of the supervisor, co-advisor, members of faculty, and examiners will be submitted no later than March 1 after acceptance of the doctoral work to the library of PRTS in electronic and paper format.

Dissertation Publication

Students are expected to:

  • publish the dissertation with an internationally recognized academic publisher within one year after the public defense. The student will choose a publisher in consultation with the supervisor or,
  • publish three articles as a result of the doctoral work in internationally recognized and peer-reviewed journals. The student will choose journals in consultation with the supervisor.
  • publish the dissertation in such a form as to be of service to the church at large.


  • Application for admission (non-refundable): $50.00
  • Late registration fee: $50.00 per course
  • Distance Education fee: $75.00 per course that is taken from a distance
  • Graduation fee: $250.00

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