December 06, 2018
Today my teacher’s assistant, Paul Smalley, and I had the privilege of receiving from the publisher (Crossway) the first “mock” copy of volume 1 of our projected, coauthored 4-volume work of “Reformed Systematic Theology.” All the content is here, except for the indexes in the back. John MacArthur writes about this volume, “‘Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!’ This expression of praise from Paul’s great doxology is a fitting response to reading this wonderful work of doctrine and devotion. Though the Reformed faith is often caricatured as merely intellectual, this work demonstrates that Reformed theology is also profoundly experiential, as no chapter fails to move from theology to doxology. This resource will instruct the mind and inflame the heart. I highly recommend it and eagerly anticipate the forthcoming volumes.”
This first volume primarily covers the doctrines of revelation and of God and His attributes; it is scheduled for release in March of next year. Each of the volumes will be about 1250 pages, the Lord willing, and will cover each doctrine scripturally, doctrinally, historically, experientially, and practically at an educated layman’s level. If God spares us, we hope to complete this task in about four or five years, publishing a volume every twelve to fifteen months. Please pray that God will give us the strength for this task and mightily bless these efforts.