2021 Puritan Reformed Conference Speaker Introduction — Dr. David W. Hall

We are excited about this year’s Puritan Reformed Conference, “The Grace of the Gospel.” Along with that we want to introduce you each week to one of our out-of-town guest conference speakers. This week it is Dr. David W. Hall.
David W. Hall has served as the Senior Pastor of Midway Presbyterian Church (PCA). Previously, he served as Pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and as Associate Pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Rome, Georgia. In addition to pastoring, Dr. Hall is the author or editor of over 20 books and numerous essays.
Dr. Hall will be speaking on “Apostolic Preaching and the Gospel.” Here’s a link to the recent message by Dr. Hall entitled “Amazing Sacrifice: The Fellowship of His Suffering” (John 18:15-27). https://vimeo.com/515069908
About the Puritan Reformed Conference
The Puritan Reformed Conference aims to cultivate a Christian worldview that is biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical. 2021 marks the 13th year of the conference sponsored by the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Past speakers have included the seminary’s faculty, as well as men such as Ligon Duncan, Michael Haykin, Carl Trueman, Conrad Mbewe, Derek Thomas, Geoff Thomas, and a host of others.
Why Attend?
The Puritan Reformed Conference is a wonderful venue to hear Reformed, preaching; preaching that makes much of the grace of God in the gospel. It is also a great opportunity for dear friends to get reacquainted and to make new friends along the way. Lastly, the conference is a destination for wonderful, godly, Christian books for all ages, all at deeply discounted prices.