Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Fall 2020 PRTS Announcement

Dear students,

As the spring semester has now come to a close, we praise God that we were able to finish this semester, that exams have now concluded, and that we were even able to have a modified graduation service. Despite the disruption due to COVID-19, we are thankful that during this past spring semester, a total of 140 students were enrolled in classes; this is our highest enrollment to date, for which we give thanks to God! Our prayer as faculty and staff is that the education you received here may ultimately bring greater glory to Jesus Christ, and that his kingdom would expand evermore through your ministry and service.

As we look forward to the fall semester, I want to ensure you that our plan at the moment is to have on-campus classes as originally scheduled. While this plan can of course change, our goal is to go ahead with all of our regular on-campus offerings (as well as a variety of online offerings that were already planned). You can find the schedule of our upcoming summer / fall classes here:

Some of you have already enrolled in upcoming classes, but others may have waited to see if fall classes will proceed as planned. For those who have waited to enroll, we are opening up another two-week window for enrollment; during this time we are waiving the typical late-enrollment fee. Enrollment for late summer and fall courses will open again from May 19 – 29, 2020. During these two weeks, you can enroll via Populi or by sending your list of desired courses to Jonathon Beeke at [email protected].

As summer for us has now officially begun, I pray you all may find some time of respite with family, but also that your summer is both fruitful and enjoyable!


Joel Beeke!

The Works of William Perkins — Volume 10

RHB is pleased to announce that the tenth and final volume of the “Works of William Perkins” is now available for preorder. With the arrival of volume ten, it concludes the journey that they began in 2014, of this paramount theologian. RHB are indebted to the many individuals that put in many hours to make this dream a reality

There has been a resurgence of interest in the Puritans, but until recently, William Perkins went largely ignored. This would be along the lines of studying the Reformation without having access to Calvin’s “Institutes.” By God’s grace, William Perkins’s works will once again be available in their entirety.

We invite you to pick up these volumes and find out for yourself why Perkins shaped a movement and went on to become the “Father of Puritanism.”

You can purchase Vol. 10 here: You can purchase the complete set here:

Tolle Lege!

2020 PRTS Commencement Address – Dr. David McWilliams

2020 PRTS Commencement

Ligonier Daily Video — The Testimony of the Holy Spirit

Having discussed God’s promises and personal evidences of grace as sources of our assurance, Dr. Joel Beeke now examines the third foundation for assurance: the testimony of the Holy Spirit. In this lesson, we will learn how the Spirit can apply God’s Word directly to the soul, resulting in great assurance. We will also learn how to test whether this experience is truly from God.

Watch the video here:

Ligonier Daily Video — Personal Evidences

God’s promises, inward evidences in the Christian’s life, and the work of the Holy Spirit are the three sources of assurance outlined in Westminster Confession of Faith 18.2. Previously, Dr. Beeke examined the first—God’s promises. In this lesson, he looks at the second—evidences of grace in us—and the Puritan beliefs about the necessity of these subjective evidence as marks of faith in God’s objective promises.

Watch the video here:

Ligonier Daily Video — Divine Promises

According to The Westminster Confession of Faith 18.2, our assurance comes from three foundational truths: God’s promises, inward evidences in the Christian’s life, and the work of the Holy Spirit. In this lesson, Dr. Joel Beeke examines the divine promises of God and how they provide the Christian with assurance. Watch the video here:

Ligonier Daily Video — Church History

In order to study more fully into the doctrine assurance of faith, we must consider the profound and biblically nuanced way the Puritans dealt with the topic of assurance. In this lesson, Dr. Joel Beeke examines Westminster Confession of Faith 18.1, which many people consider the greatest statement ever written on the subject of assurance. Through this section of the confession and the history behind it, we will further examine the subjects of false assurance and true assurance:



The Puritan Conference hosted by Dr. John MacArthur and Dr. Joel Beeke has been rescheduled for October 5-7, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. Updated conference details to follow soon at

Seminary Update

Recently, the world has been turned upside-down due to COVID-19 and the measures taken by governments everywhere to slow the spread of the virus. By all indications, the economic impact on Christian colleges and seminaries throughout North America, in the wake of this pandemic, will be significant and in some cases devastating.

In light of this, the seminary’s executive committee recently assessed the situation and concluded that PRTS is in need of your help. By the grace of God, PRTS has no debt and is able to meet its immediate financial obligations. However, the seminary will need your ongoing support with the Operations Fund, and especially the Scholarship Fund. We need to raise $190,000 for the Scholarship Fund over the next month.

The committee has requested that all departments scrutinize expenditures, limiting them to the bare essentials. The committee will also continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed. In an effort to help raise future funds needed to keep the seminary operating, it has just hired Mr. Jeff Holcomb, who resonates with the Reformed experiential emphasis of the seminary and has considerable experience in fund-raising for a Reformed Christian school, as Development Assistant to the President. (We will introduce him in more detail in the next PRTS Update, D.V.)  Mr. Holcomb will work part-time, alongside Dr. Beeke and the Director of Development and Marketing, Mr. Chris Hanna.

The committee would also like to thank its donors and supporting churches for their ongoing partnership in training our students to serve Christ and His church throughout the world. Together, with the Lord’s help, we pray that we may be able to weather the uncertainties associated with this crisis. Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

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