Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Applications Now Being Considered for DMin Degree Program in Homiletics (2021)

Contact: Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. Adriaan C. Neele, Director Doctoral program [email protected]

Grand Rapids, MI — Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) has announced the launch of a Doctor of Ministry degree program.

In addition to the PhD program in Biblical Studies, Historical Theology, and Systematic Theology, the DMin degree program in Homiletics is a highly anticipated program led by Dr. Joel R. Beeke and others, which commences August 2021.

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS, says, “We trust that, by God’s grace, this newly established Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree program in Homiletics will stress both solid Reformed academic training and vital piety, and will serve to strengthen the church and the academy in unprecedented ways.”

The Doctor of Ministry degree program is developed for those who have a passion for preaching, are gifted communicators, have a minimum of three years of pastoral ministry, and show promise in their local and regional ministry of teaching, homiletics, and preaching. Those interested may apply now, as the DMin at PRTS, scheduled to begin in fall 2021, is a four-year program designed for those who desire to advance their ministry skills, particularly in preaching and homiletics.

About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Founded in 1995, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is an accredited educational institution for granting the MA, MDiv, ThM, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry. The seminary has approximately 225 students, ten professors, twenty well-known scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of twelve.

Disclaimer: PRTS has filed a petition for accreditation of the DMin degree program with the Association of Theological Schools.

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Equipping You in Grace Podcast — Reformed Systematic Theology: Volume 2: Man and Christ

On a recent Equipping You in Grace podcast, Dave Jenkins and Dr. Joel Beeke discusses the release of Reformed Systematic Theology: Volume 2: Man and Christ (Crossway, 2020). Topics include the image of God, responding to attacks on gender and penal substitutionary atonement, the High Priestly ministry of Jesus, and suffering.

You can order your copy here:

Two faculty position openings

Two Faculty Openings

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is seeking to fill two positions in the faculty to help address various openings that generally fall within Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, and/or Practical Theology. Understanding that two appointments will not necessarily fill all of our needs, applications are encouraged from those who have expertise and teaching experience in one or more of the following areas: Apologetics, Christian Ethics, Contemporary Theology, Christian Philosophy, Biblical Studies (OT and NT), Missions, and Counseling. Fulfillment of position(s) is desired for fall of 2021 or possibly staggered (i.e., one for fall of 2021, and the other for fall of 2022).

Applicants must hold a PhD degree, have outstanding academic qualifications and experience along with ministerial experience, and demonstrate a Christ-like character and testimony. In addition, applicants must adhere to the Three Forms of Unity and Westminster Standards as their confession and must be thoroughly committed to Reformed, experiential theology and ministry.

Applications along with a current CV may be submitted no later than November 25 to:

Michael Barrett, PhD
VP for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
2965 Leonard Street, NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525

PRTS Convocation Address

PRTS Convocation Address

Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Joel Beeke had the privilege of giving the convocation address on Lot’s weak faith and Abram’s strong faith (Gen. 13 and Heb. 11:8-10) for the beginning of the 26th school year at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Please pray with us that our seminary would remain faithful to God’s Word and the Reformed faith as we enter our second quarter-of-a-century existence!

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference – Day Three

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference – Day Three

Last night we had an enjoyable Q&A time at the 2020 Puritan Reformed Conference (it was chaired by Dr. Greg Salazar just to my left in the picture), and also had a blessed time this morning, especially when Dr. Bilkes closed the conference with a moving message on “Law Death, Gospel Life” from Galatians 2:19, bringing us the cream of Ralph Erskine’s rich sermons on this text. (My own message on “The Puritans on the Grace of Law” was mediocre; may God graciously forgive my shortcomings.) Many thanks to all speakers, volunteers, and attendees—and to all of you who have listened through livestream. I hope you were blessed too!

While we were at the seminary conference yesterday, Carol VandenBogerd, whom I have known since childhood (and who has children and grandchildren and a brother and sister-in-law in our church), passed away at the age of 71. She went to be with the Lord at 10:55 a.m. while the family was singing “Rock of Ages” (“While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death,” etc.) around her bedside in Kalamazoo, Michigan. At 10:59 a.m. we were singing the same hymn at the conference in Grand Rapids. What a blessing when loved ones die in vital union with the Rock of Ages! Please pray with me that God will graciously remember the mourning husband, children and grandchildren, siblings, and other relatives in the upcoming bittersweet days in the tender mercies of our compassionate High Priest.

And now, I return to preparing a sermon for tomorrow evening on a wonderful passage from my series on the Gospel of Mark (the healing of Jairus’s daughter), and to preparing a convocation address for Monday morning as PRTS begins its 26th school year.

Your prayers are coveted.

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference – Day Two

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference – Day Two
Had a great “yesterday” at the PRTS Conference. All the addresses (Barrett, Riccardi, Murray, VanDoodewaard) on various aspects of the law went well, as did the Q&A session with the speakers and the book sales.
One surprise highlight was when Wayne Anderson, who publishes Reformed books in Spanish via his publishing house, Faro de Garcia, presented Dr. Joel Beeke with a copy of “La Predicación Reformada”—a translation into Spanish of his book on Reformed experiential preaching published by Crossway (see picture).
The conference concludes this morning with Dr. Joel Beeke’s address on “The Puritans on the Grace of Law” (9:00 a.m.) and Dr. Jerry Bilkes’s address on “Law Death, Gospel Life” (10:45 a.m.).
We’d love to have you join us by livestream if you can’t join us in person:

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference – Day One

2020 Puritan Reformed Conference – Day One

Last night our PRTS annual Puritan Reformed Conference—at the Heritage Reformed Church, 540 Crescent NE in Grand Rapids—on “The Grace of Law” got off to a great start.

Dr. Stephen Myers spoke clearly and experientially about the convicting power of the law, and Rev. Michael Riccardi (see the picture) powerfully delivered the first of two addresses on obeying God’s law freely and willingly. If you can’t join us in person today for four more addresses commencing at 9:00 a.m. EDT and a question and answer session in the evening, you can livestream at

May God bless you as you join us in person or online.

Can’t Attend the 2020 Puritan Reformed Conference? Watch it Online!

Can’t Attend the 2020 Puritan Reformed Conference? Watch it Online!

This year’s Puritan Reformed Conference, The Grace of Law, hosted by Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, starts tomorrow at 7 PM (EDT). For registration and conference information, visit us online at

You can also stream the conference via live video on the PRTS Facebook page ( or at HRC’s SermonAudio page (

PRTS Establishes PhD Program in Systematic Theology

Contact: Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. Adriaan C. Neele, Director Doctoral program [email protected]

Grand Rapids, MI—Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) today announced the launch of a fully-funded PhD degree program in Systematic Theology.

In addition to the PhD program Biblical Studies and Historical Theology, the Systematic Theology track is a highly anticipated program led by Dr. Joel R. Beeke and Dr. Stephen G. Myers, which commences August 2020.

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS, says, “We trust that, by God’s grace, this newly established program in Systematic Theology will stress both solid Reformed academic training and vital piety, and will serve to strengthen the church and the academy in unprecedented ways.”

Stephen G. Myers commented, “We believe that this approach to systematic theology – exegetical, confessional, and experiential – is greatly needed in the worldwide church and academy today. Foundationally, we want to train men to teach and write theology that is rooted in the Scriptures rather than in tradition or philosophical reasoning, both of which are ascendant in contemporary systematic theology. Second, we want to train men to understand theology in a confessional context, recognizing how our doctrinal understanding has been shaped by two millennia of the Spirit working to bring clarity to the Church. Finally, we want to train men to frame theology experientially so that exegetical, confessional truth changes hearts and lives in our own day.”

About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Founded in 1995, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is an accredited educational institution for granting the MA, MDiv, ThM, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry. The seminary has approximately 225 students, ten professors, twenty well-known scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of twelve.