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The William Perkins Library at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is a growing library that focuses on historic reformed doctrine, but endeavors to represent the varied views of the wider Christian church.
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Search open access digital collections and library catalogs for primary and secondary material
Theses from Scotland many of which are freely available
The UK’s national thesis service many of which are freely available
Search a library of over 10,000 theological theses and dissertation
A private collection available to PRTS community by request
Dr. Richard A. Muller's donated material related to Post-Reformation research.
Religious, evangelical, theological, and historical articles collected by the late Dr. Benjamin Boerkoel, Sr.
A digital collection of books from the ancient to the modern church focusing on early Reformed and Puritan Christianity
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Search collections of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide
A Journal of Protestant Letters
Open access collections from the American Antiquarian Society
Alphabetic list of 1,851 open access journals in ancient studies
Digital archive of early modern annotated books
Provides translations of St. Thomas Aquinas's works not readily available in English.
Netherlands' archival research
American and international religious data
Full-text books, images, art, and more from ATLA (American Theological Library Association) member institutions
Select the Religious Studies, Biblical Studies, or Theology subjects on the left-hand side for applicable titles.
A Southern Baptist Theological Seminary project
Articles, essays, and lectures about John Calvin and Calvinism from the 16th century to the present
Searchable by year
An older (1908), but useful work
Online portal for Barth scholarship and events
Includes creeds, confessions, catechisms, and Calvin's Institutes
Digital library
A resource from the Congregational Christian Historical Society
Includes a full edition of the complete works of St. Thomas; a bibliography covering all the studies on Aquinas and his doctrine; an index of the main tools of Thomistic research; and a digital edition of the main manuscripts of Aquinas' works.
A digital resource hosted by the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University School of Theology
University of Nebraska digital library
Sacred texts from Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Eastern religions
Kuyper's works
Discover 33,745,387 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States
The Franciscan Archive hosts this site that includes secondary articles, Duns Scotus' own writings, and biographical content
Open access journals in theology and religion
Online journal in early modern studies
Encyclopedia of Dutch Periodicals (till 1815)
ESTC covers monograph and serial letterpress items printed before 1801
A resource from the Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian church in Ontario
The Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online
Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons (Finding aid with metadata)
Interactive tools for studying God's word
Research and documents relating to the Heidelberg Catechism
Based on several print and digital resources, the bibliography currently has 846 items and continues to expand
Full-text articles on pioneer missions
Puritan titles online
Nearly comprehensive list of Owen's works including unpublished sermons
Church law in the Netherlands
Public domain volumes from the Loeb Classical Library which is a collection of writings from Greek and Latin authors spanning fourteen centuries and every genre.
Digital Archive of Martyn Lloyd-Jones' sermons
The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute (NRI) at Theological University Kampen examines how the influence of religion takes shape and develops globally over time in the tradition of Neo-Calvinism.
Searches open access theological content
Open access digital resources
Philosophy papers by topic and author; citations and references are open access, full-text content may not be; can be requested via inter-library loan
Junius Institute digital collection
Princeton Thelogical Seminary digital library
Puritan studies portal
Digital theological library for Dutch speakers
Free classic Reformed ebook titles in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Nepali, Pashtu, Portuguese, Spanish, and Urdu
Digital archive for Reformation research
Lexical tool created by Calvin Seminary
Digital Dutch Reformed books
Portal for research on the Reformation
Digital archive
An open-access worldwide interdisciplinary and professionally refereed digital publication
Information on Tertullian and his works including manuscript descriptions, a bibliography, and a glossary of terms
Free and searchable EEBO titles
Free and searchable ECCO titles
The TLG® Digital Library contains virtually all Greek texts surviving from the period between Homer (8 c. B.C.) and the fall of Byzantium in A.D. 1453 and a large number of texts up to the 20th century. The Canon and Lexica are open access; portions of the TLG are also freely available.
A new translation by Dr. Alfred Freddoso of Notre Dame
Directory for religious studies
Westminster Assembly documents online
A Jonathan Edwards Center (Yale University) initiative
Bucer's complete works online in German
Conservative, Christian educational resource on creation science with over 26 million records