Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Only Two Weeks Away!

Only Two Weeks Away!
Are you still thinking about attending the Puritan Reformed Conference, August 26-28? It’s not too late to register for part or all of the conference. Check out the lineup of speakers and their addresses here.


About the Puritan Reformed Conference

The Puritan Reformed Conference aims to cultivate a Christian worldview that is biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical. 2021 marks the 13th year of the conference sponsored by the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Past speakers have included the seminary’s faculty, as well as men such as Ligon Duncan, Michael Haykin, Carl Trueman, Conrad Mbewe, Derek Thomas, Geoff Thomas, and a host of others.


Why Attend?

The Puritan Reformed Conference is a wonderful venue to hear Reformed, preaching; preaching that makes much of the grace of God in the gospel. It is also a great opportunity for dear friends to get reacquainted and to make new friends along the way. Lastly, the conference is a destination for wonderful, godly, Christian books for all ages, all at deeply discounted prices.

Congratulations to Mr. Ian Turner!

Congratulations to Mr. Ian Turner!
Congratulations to Mr. Ian Turner who successfully sustained his oral comprehensive exams yesterday. He now moves into the dissertation stage of his program. The title of his dissertation is “Take with You Words, and Return to the LORD: A Functional-Cognitive Approach to Understanding the Message of Hosea 12–14.” According to Dr. Daniel Timmer, “The dissertation uses a combination of linguistic tools to explore the coherence and complexity of a section of Hosea often judged to be incoherent and problematic. The project will situate its findings in biblical theology with an eye to applying Hosea’s message in contemporary contexts.” Dr. Timmer is supervising Ian Turner’s dissertation in Biblical Studies.
In the picture, from left to right, are Dr. Gerald Bilkes, Mr. Ian Turner, Dr. Daniel Timmer, and Dr. Michael Barrett. Not pictured are Dr. Eric Tully (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) and Dr. Stephen Dempster (Crandall University).

Discounted Hotel Rates Will Increase After Thursday, August 12th

Discounted Hotel Rates Will Increase After Thursday, August 12th

Looking to attend the Puritan Reformed Conference, “The Grace of the Gospel,” August 26-28?

Don’t wait another moment to secure your spot and reserve your hotel room. The discounted room rates at Country Inn & Suites and the Hampton Inn will increase after Thursday, August 12th.

So make your reservations soon!

About the Puritan Reformed Conference

The Puritan Reformed Conference aims to cultivate a Christian worldview that is biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical. 2021 marks the 13th year of the conference sponsored by the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Past speakers have included the seminary’s faculty, as well as men such as Ligon Duncan, Michael Haykin, Carl Trueman, Conrad Mbewe, Derek Thomas, Geoff Thomas, and a host of others.

Why Attend?

The Puritan Reformed Conference is a wonderful venue to hear Reformed, preaching; preaching that makes much of the grace of God in the gospel. It is also a great opportunity for dear friends to get reacquainted and to make new friends along the way. Lastly, the conference is a destination for wonderful, godly, Christian books for all ages, all at deeply discounted prices.

PRESS RELEASE: Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven Appointed at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary as Professor of Biblical Studies

PRESS RELEASE: Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven appointed at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary as Professor of Biblical Studies

CONTACT: Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

For immediate release: August 9, 2021

Grand Rapids, MI—Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) today announced the appointment of Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven as Professor of Biblical Studies.

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS comments, “I am pleased to announce that Dr. Maarten Kuivenhoven has accepted the appointment to the position of Professor of Biblical Studies. Dr. Kuivenhoven will assume his new role on August 1, 2022. Presently, he serves as a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation, in Grand Rapids. He graduated from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and was ordained to gospel ministry in February 2010. Since then, he has served the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids while continuing his studies and completed his doctoral dissertation on the interpretation of the Messianic Psalms in the Reformation, and post-Reformation focusing on the commentaries of Wolfgang Musculus, William Ames, Johannes Cocceius and Matthew Henry (Calvin Theological Seminary, 2020). He and his wife Jennifer are blessed with five children: Gwyneth, Justus, Judah, Jared, and Silas. I am truly grateful for the support of the Heritage Reformed Church of Burgessville, Ontario calling Maarten to this position, as decided at the last Heritage Reformed Synod in June. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment of Dr. Kuivenhoven solidifies the position of PRTS for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.”

Begun in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.  With campuses in Grand Rapids, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Saō Paulo), the seminary numbers more than 200 students, has twelve full-time professors, twenty globally renowned scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of fourteen.

PRESS RELEASE: Dr. David H. Kranendonk Appointed at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary as Assistant Dean of Students and Professor of Theology

PRESS RELEASE: Dr. David H. Kranendonk Appointed at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary as Assistant Dean of Students and Professor of Theology

CONTACT: Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

For immediate release: August 9, 2021

Grand Rapids, MI—Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) today announced the appointment of Dr. David H. Kranendonk as Assistant Dean of Students and Professor of Theology.

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS comments, “I am pleased to announce that Dr. David Kranendonk has accepted the appointment to the position of Assistant Dean of Students and Professor of Theology. Dr. Kranendonk will assume his new role effective immediately. He is the author of Paul Bayne’s Pastoral Teaching of Predestination (2021), Teaching Predestination: Elnathan Parr and Pastoral Ministry in Early Stuart England (2011), and Vital Balance. The Pursuit of Professors J.J. van der Schuit, G. Wisse, and L.H. van der Meiden (2006). He has served various congregations of the Free Reformed Churches of North America and is involved in various mission boards supporting theological education. David holds degrees from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (MDiv, 2003), Calvin Theological Seminary (ThM, 2008), and the Theological University Apeldoorn, The Netherlands (PhD, 2021). He is married to Elly, and they have seven children. I am truly grateful to the Free Reformed Churches supporting his appointment, which is greatly valued at PRTS. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment of Dr. Kranendonk solidifies the position of PRTS for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.”

Begun in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.  With campuses in Grand Rapids, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Saō Paulo), the seminary numbers more than 200 students, has twelve full-time professors, twenty globally renowned scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of fourteen.



2021 Discount Rate Extended! Don’t Miss Out!

2021 Discount Rate Extended! Don’t Miss Out!
Are you attending this year’s Puritan Reformed Conference?
Joel Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, says, “It is our hope that during this year’s conference the importance of the grace of God in the gospel will rekindle a burning desire in all who attend to live soli Deo gloria!”
The 2021 Discount Rate has been extended — only 10 days left! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to attend the Puritan Reformed Conference at these amazingly low prices.

2021 Discount Rate Extended Two Weeks!

2021 Discount Rate Extended Two Weeks!

The 2021 Discount Rate for the Puritan Reformed Conference has been extended an additional two weeks! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to attend the Puritan Reformed Conference at these amazingly low prices.

About the Puritan Reformed Conference
The Puritan Reformed Conference aims to cultivate a Christian worldview that is biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical. 2021 marks the 13th year of the conference sponsored by the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Past speakers have included the seminary’s faculty, as well as men such as Ligon Duncan, Michael Haykin, Carl Trueman, Conrad Mbewe, Derek Thomas, Geoff Thomas, and a host of others.

Why Attend?
The Puritan Reformed Conference is a wonderful venue to hear Reformed, preaching; preaching that makes much of the grace of God in the gospel. It is also a great opportunity for dear friends to get reacquainted and to make new friends along the way. Lastly, the conference is a destination for wonderful, godly, Christian books for all ages, all at deeply discounted prices.

Only Four Weeks Left to Register!

Only four weeks left to register for “The Grace of the Gospel” conference!

Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to hear exceptional preaching and teaching on the greatest theme of the Bible.

About the Puritan Reformed Conference

The Puritan Reformed Conference aims to cultivate a Christian worldview that is biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical. 2021 marks the 13th year of the conference sponsored by the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Past speakers have included the seminary’s faculty, as well as men such as Ligon Duncan, Michael Haykin, Carl Trueman, Conrad Mbewe, Derek Thomas, Geoff Thomas, and a host of others.

Why Attend?

The Puritan Reformed Conference is a wonderful venue to hear Reformed, preaching; preaching that makes much of the grace of God in the gospel. It is also a great opportunity for dear friends to get reacquainted and to make new friends along the way. Lastly, the conference is a destination for wonderful, godly, Christian books for all ages, all at deeply discounted prices.


PRESS RELEASE: Dr. Bruce P. Baugus Appointed at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary as Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics

Grand Rapids, MI—Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) today announced the appointment of Dr. Bruce P. Baugus as Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics.

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS comments, “I am pleased to announce that Dr. Bruce P. Baugus has accepted the appointment to the position of Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics. Dr. Baugus will assume his new role on August 1, 2022. He is the author of Reformed Moral Theology (forthcoming) and China’s Reforming Churches: Mission, Polity, and Ministry in the Next Christendom, as well as numerous chapters, articles, papers, and reviews. He also frequently contributes to and Tabletalk. He is currently serving as interim senior pastor (PCA) and is involved in the global development of Reformed theological education and regularly teaches overseas and around the country. Born in Easton, Maryland, Bruce holds degrees from Penn State (BS in geography, 1996), Southern Seminary (MDiv, 1999), and Calvin Theological Seminary (PhD, philosophical theology, 2009). He is married to Tricia, and they have two sons. I am truly grateful to Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, MS, “RTS”) for his thirteen years of service there, which is greatly valued at PRTS. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment of Dr. Baugus solidifies the position of PRTS for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.”

Ligon Duncan of RTS comments, “We are deeply grateful for the years of dedicated service by Dr. Baugus at RTS, and thankful for the fitting appointment that he accepted at PRTS. RTS aims to provide a stellar education that challenges our students intellectually and produces servants of godly character—a vision shared by PRTS and Dr. Baugus. I wish him much fruitfulness in his last year at RTS and in his new ministry at PRTS, commencing in August of 2022.”

Begun in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.  With campuses in Grand Rapids, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (São Paulo), the seminary numbers more than 200 students, has twelve professors, twenty globally renowned scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of fourteen.

RTS opened its doors in 1966 for resident studies in Jackson, Mississippi. Since that time RTS has grown to nine degree-granting campuses: Jackson, MS; Orlando, FL; Charlotte, NC; Washington DC; Atlanta, GA; Houston, TX; Dallas, TX; New York, NY; São Paulo, Brazil; and Global Education (U.S. and International).


Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III, Chancellor & CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary


Grand Rapids—Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) announced today a newly accredited program: Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree program.

Foundational to an accredited Doctor of Ministry program at PRTS is the academic and spiritual formation of the student. Commencing August 2021, the DMin degree program is designed for those who desire to advance their ministry skills, particularly in preaching and homiletics, and is developed for those who have a passion for preaching, are gifted communicators, have a minimum of three years of pastoral ministry, and show promise in their local and regional ministry of teaching, homiletics, and preaching.

Joel R. Beeke, President of PRTS stated, “We trust that by God’s grace the Doctor of Ministry (homiletics) program, which stresses both solid Reformed academic training and vital piety, will serve the church and the academy in unprecedented ways, strengthening the Reformed community worldwide.”

The specific focus of the Doctor of Ministry program at PRTS is on biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical preaching. PRTS seeks to adhere to the Reformed and Puritan tradition of homiletics, exemplified by John Calvin, William Perkins (Art of Prophesying), Petrus van Mastricht (Best Method of Preaching), Jonathan Edwards, and many others. We aim to do so by offering a Doctor of Ministry program that is distinctive in its academics and biblical piety; this will be evident in the admissions requirements, as well as in the program’s academic rigor, and spiritual and practical formation components.  The Doctor of Ministry program will be academically rigorous and practical—resonating with the Reformed and Puritan tradition of preaching—as we seek to offer a comprehensive program with high, measurable, and peer-reviewed academic standards. Spiritual components of the DMin program may consist of assigned readings and preaching (in theory and practice). The program will be further enhanced by homileticians and preachers serving as subject experts and co-advisors for the DMin student.

Begun in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, and Ph.D. degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.  The seminary numbers more than 200 students, has twelve professors, twenty globally renowned scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of fourteen.


Dr. Jonathon D. Beeke, Registrar <[email protected]>
Dr. Adriaan C. Neele, Director Doctoral Programs <[email protected]>