Preparing students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.
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Professor of Biblical Counseling | Open Position (Deadline: October 18, 2024)

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now hiring for a full-time Professor of Biblical Counseling. To view more information and learn how to apply, click here.

Director of Communications and Marketing | Open Position

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is seeking a full-time Director/Manager of Communications and Marketing. To view more information and learn how to apply, click here.

MultiMedia Producer | Open Position

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is seeking a full-time MultiMedia Producer. To view more information and learn how to apply, click here.

NT Professor | Open Position

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now hiring for a NT Professor. To view more information and learn how to apply, click here.

Dr. Tom Schwanda appointed as Scholar-in-Residence at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (“PRTS”) today announced the appointment of Dr. Tom Schwanda as Scholar-in-Residence.

Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed, comments, “I am pleased and honored to announce that Dr. Schwanda, professor emeritus of Wheaton College Graduate School, has accepted the appointment of Scholar-in-Residence. Dr. Schwanda’s research and writing has been largely focused on Puritanism and Puritan piety and spirituality. The newly established scholar-in-residence program enhances the engagement with the doctoral student community, research, and publication and will be greatly valued at Puritan Reformed. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment of Dr. Schwanda solidifies the position of Puritan Reformed for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.” Dr. Schwanda serves on the editorial board for the Studies in Puritanism and Piety journal, and Senior Fellow for Christian Spirituality for the C.S. Lewis Institute, an international discipleship ministry centered in Washington DC.

Begun in 1994, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is now an accredited educational institution for MA, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry.  With campuses in Grand Rapids, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Sao Paulo), the seminary numbers more than 250 students, has twelve professors, twenty globally renowned scholars as adjunct faculty, and a support staff of twelve.

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Continues to Enhance Digital Accessible Offerings with New Grant

The In Trust Center for Theological Schools Awarded a Grant of $15,000

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary was awarded a matching grant of $15,000 from The In Trust Center for Theological Schools. The funds for the In Trust Center Resource Grant are supported by the Lilly Endowment, one of the world’s largest private philanthropic foundations.

The grant will enable Puritan Reformed to engage the services of the Grand Valley State University’s Applied Computer Institute (ACI) to engage a new and innovative educational materials delivery system designed for digital native students. This new system will serve our students and their needs better by providing digital solutions and delivery systems for our classes, syllabi, and assessments. The seminary will provide matching funds to accomplish the project.

This new system will allow students located all over the world to get information and class materials on their cell phones, tablets, and computers. Students are consuming education differently than in years past. They want to use digital methods to learn without the need for printers and paper. Notes are taken digitally, and lectures can be digitally recorded making paper, pens, and pencils no longer a necessity in the classroom. This shift will make our seminary more responsive and better serve the needs of our students.

Working with the Applied Computer Institute (ACI) located at Grand Valley State University, Puritan Reformed will update course offerings, syllabi, and reading assignments so that digitally native students will be equipped to use digital methods for their education at the seminary. Testing and assessments will also be designed to be managed digitally.

“We are extremely grateful to The In Trust Center for Theological Schools for providing the funding for Puritan Reformed to enhance our educational delivery to include digital native offerings. The harnessing of technology to further God’s kingdom is exciting and the collaboration with Applied Computer Institute gives us the technical expertise needed for this state-of-the-art educational solution,” stated Dr. Jonathon Beeke, Academic Dean.

About The In Trust Center for Theological Schools

The In Trust Center for Theological Schools is a membership organization of over 230 seminaries, theological schools, and nonprofit educational institutions that have a mission of education or forming students for ministry or related scholarship.  More information about the In Trust Center’s programs and initiatives can be found on its website.

About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary founded in 1995, offers an accredited education for MA, MABC, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical ministry. With campuses in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Europe (London), the Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Sao Paulo), the seminary has more than 250 students.

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has received a grant of $1,000,000 from Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has received a grant of $1,000,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish the Collaborative Church Embedded Ministry Education Model program.

The Collaborative Church Embedded Ministry Education Model program is being funded through Lilly Endowment’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative. It is a three-phase initiative designed to help theological schools across the United States and Canada as they prioritize and respond to the most pressing challenges they face as they prepare pastoral leaders for Christian congregations both now and into the future.

The overarching goal of this collaborative program will be to equip pastors and ministry leaders in rural and urban inner-city environments by providing them with a robust theological education that allows them to remain in their local context and be supported by pastoral mentors.  The result of this program will be to reduce the seminary graduate’s acclimation time to their relevant ministry setting and increase the retention rate of pastors in ministry.

“We are extremely grateful to Lilly Endowment for providing the funding for Puritan Reformed to expand our robust education offerings to include embedded church leaders and pastors.  The collaboration with other like-minded Reformed seminaries will further the reach and help develop a program that reflects diversity in denominational backgrounds, racially, economically as well as in languages with the goal of better serving Christ and His church,” stated Dr. Jerry Bilkes, Director of MDiv Degree Program.

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is one of 105 theological schools receiving phase two grants. Together they represent the broad diversity of Christianity in the U.S. and Canada. The schools are affiliated with evangelical, mainline Protestant, nondenominational, Pentecostal, Orthodox, Catholic, Black church, Latino, Asian-American and historic peace church traditions (e.g., Church of the Brethren, Mennonite, Quakers).

“Theological schools have long played a pivotal role in preparing pastoral leaders for churches,” said Christopher L. Coble, the Endowment’s vice president for religion. “Today, these schools find themselves in a period of rapid and profound change.  Through the Pathways Initiative, theological schools will take deliberate steps to address the challenges they have identified in ways that make the most sense to them.  We believe that their efforts are critical to ensuring that Christian congregations continue to have a steady stream of pastoral leaders who are well-prepared to lead the churches of tomorrow.”

The Pathways Initiative is part of Lilly Endowment’s wider efforts to strengthen theological schools and other religious institutions and networks that prepare pastoral leaders to ensure that a diverse array of Christian congregations are guided by a steady stream of wise, faithful, and well-prepared leaders.


About Lilly Endowment Inc.

Lilly Endowment Inc. is an Indianapolis-based private philanthropic foundation created in 1937 by J.K. Lilly, Sr. and his sons Eli and J.K. Jr. through gifts of stock in their pharmaceutical business, Eli Lilly and Company. Although the gifts of stock remain a financial bedrock of the Endowment, it is a separate entity from the company, with a distinct governing board, staff and location. In keeping with the founders’ wishes, the Endowment supports the causes of community development, education and religion and maintains a special commitment to its founders’ hometown, Indianapolis, and home state, Indiana. A primary aim of its grantmaking in religion is to deepen the religious lives of Christians, principally by supporting efforts that enhance congregational vitality and strengthen the leadership of Christian communities. The Endowment values the broad diversity of Christian traditions and endeavors to support them in a wide variety of contexts. The Endowment also seeks to foster public understanding about religion by encouraging fair, accurate and balanced portrayals of the positive and negative effects of religion on the world and lifting up the contributions that people of all faiths make to our greater civic well-being.


About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary founded in 1995, offers an accredited education for MA, MABC, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical ministry. With campuses in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Europe (London, Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Sao Paulo), the seminary has more than 250 students.

The Appointment of Dr. David Noe as Beza Scholar-in-Residence for Greek and Latin

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary announces the appointment of Dr. David Noe as Beza Scholar-in-Residence for Greek and Latin.  Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary commented, “I am pleased and honored to announce that Dr. David Noe has accepted the appointment of Scholar-in-Residence. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment of Dr. Noe solidifies the position of Puritan Reformed for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.”

Dr. Noe’s knowledge and expertise will complement our current faculty well and expands our offerings in early modern Reformed theology, his current research focus.  Dr. Noe is also skilled in translating theological and philosophical texts from the 16th and 17th centuries, and the continuing development of spoken Greek and Latin fluency and pedagogical strategies. Dr. Noe will be teaching Latin I and Greek I for the Fall semester.

The newly established scholar-in-residence program enhances the engagement with our doctoral student community. The appointment of Dr. Noe will enhance the research endeavors at Puritan Reformed, as well as expand our publishing opportunities, and will be greatly valued at Puritan Reformed.

Dr. Noe is a pastor of Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  His practical experience as a pastor and teacher combined with his scholarly work, research, and translations will provide Puritan Reformed students with a great resource and professor.

About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary founded in 1995, offers an accredited education for MA, MABC, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical ministry. With campuses in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Sao Paulo), the seminary has more than 250 students.

The Appointment of Dr. Richard A. Muller as Scholar-in-Residence

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary announces the appointment of Dr. Richard A. Muller as Scholar-in-Residence. Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary commented, “I am pleased and honored to announce that Dr. Muller has accepted the appointment of Scholar-in-Residence. I trust that, by God’s grace, this appointment solidifies the position of Puritan Reformed for biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical theological education.”

Dr. Muller’s research and writing have been largely focused on the reassessment of the development of Protestant thought after the Reformation, with emphasis on the nature and character of Protestant orthodoxy and Reformed scholasticism in the seventeenth century. His expertise and knowledge will further broaden the offerings at the seminary and will complement our current faculty.

The newly established scholar-in-residence program enhances the engagement with our doctoral student community. The appointment of Dr. Muller will enhance the research endeavors at Puritan Reformed, as well as expand our publishing opportunities, and will be greatly valued at Puritan Reformed.

About Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary founded in 1995, offers an accredited education for MA, MABC, MDiv, ThM, DMin, and PhD degrees. Its mission is to prepare students worldwide to serve Christ and His church through biblical, Reformed, experiential, and practical ministry. With campuses in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Europe (London), Middle East (Alexandria), Asia (Taiwan), Africa (Pretoria), and Latin America (Sao Paulo), the seminary has more than 250 students.

Open Positions at PRTS

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is looking to fill the positions of Professor of New Testament and Professor of Historical Theology. Please have your application in by June 24.

For more information, please view the PDF announcement.